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Total utdelat belopp:
10 931 000 kr

Lista över beviljade anslag på projektansökningar 2021

Huvudsökande: Projekttitel:
Nupur Khera
Karolinska Institute,
Elucidating the functional relevance of miR-484 in psoriasis
Christopher Anderson
IKE, Dermatology
Quantification of dermal water content in the modelling of cutaneous microdialysis using spatial frequency domain spectroscopy
Sam Polesie
Institute of Clinical Sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy, Department of Dermatology and Venereology
Prediction models for skin cancer using registry data and deep neural networks
Nils Hamnerius
Department of Occupational and Environmental Dermatology, Department of Occupational and Environmental Dermatology
Arbetsorsakad kontaktallergi och eksem hos personal i kommunal vård och omsorg - Occupational contact allergy and eczema in community care workers
Johan Dahlén Gyllencreutz
Dept of Dermatology and Venereology, Institute of Clinical Sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy, Dept. of Dermatology, Frölunda Hospital
Distance monitoring of atypical melanocytic lesions
Deepti Verma
Linkoping University, Department of Dermatology
Systemic immune mechanisms in psoriasis
Oscar Zaar
Clinical Sciences, Dermatology
Time-of flight second ion mass spectrometry on tape-stripping diagnostics of malignant melanoma
Alexander Shayesteh Afshar
Public health and clinical medicine, Dermatology and venereology, Norrlands University Hospital, Umeå
Experiences of individuals living with lipedema and designing a questionnaire for disease severity
Lars Norlen
Medicin, Hudkliniken, NKS
Studies of the chemical processes causing barrier deficiency in skin disease
Ola Rollman
Department of Medical Sciences/Dermatology,
Apoptosis-based drug strategy for treatment of mastocytosis
Lotta Gustafsson
Clinical Sciences, Dermatology department
Enhancement of anti-tumor effects of checkpoint inhibitors by selenium in melanoma.
Laura von Kobyletzki
Faculty of Medicine / Department of Clinical Sciences, Malmö, Occupational and Environmental Dermatology
Complicated wounds: a national study on risk groups, societal impact and costs
Florence Dalgard
department of dermatology, Skåne Univsersity Hospital
Patient characteristics at a vulvar clinic: distribution of vulvar dermatoses, comorbidities and quality of life
Lina Hagvall
Dermatology and Venereology,
How does genetic variation influence skin uptake and penetration of sensitizing chemicals?
Åsa Ingvar
Department of clinical sciences, Department of dermatology
Image Enhancement in Teledermoscopic Assessments of Skin Lesions: Effect on Diagnostic Accuracy
Anja Pahlow Mose
Skåne University Hospital, Department of Dermatology
Topical treatment of hidradenitis suppurativa with azelaic acid
Mona Ståhle
Medicin, Solna , Dermatology Division
Exploring the role for NOX4 as susceptibility gene for Psoriatic arthritis mutilans
Karin Öllinger
Biomedicine and Clinical sciences,
Impact of UV-radiation and lysosomal signaling in initiation and progression of malignant melanoma
Gunnthorunn Sigurdardottir
, Department of Dermatology, Linköping University Hospital, Region Östergötland
Evaluation of physiological, mediator and metabolite skin barrier dysfunction in hand dermatoses by minimally invasive techniques in clinical settings.
Klas Nordlind
Division of dermatology and venereology,
Psoriasis and alcohol; understanding the role of dopamine
Emma Kristin Johansson
Institutionen för Medicin Solna, unit of Dermatlogy and Venereology, Department of Dermatology, Karolinska University Hospital
The importance of filaggrin mutation for different aspects of atopic dermatitis
Minna Piipponen
Division of Dermatology and Venereology, Department of Medicine Solna,
Radiation memory of the skin cells: Unravel the epigenetic basis of the late on-set adverse effects of radiotherapy in cancer patients
Avinash Padhi
Dermatology and Venerology section, Department of Medicine,Solna,
Deciphering the skin citrullinome - in healthy and inflamed skin
Ingrid Siemund
Department of Clinical Sciences, Malmö, Department of occupational and environmental dermatology, Skane university hospital
Does aluminum aggravate the contact allergic reaction?
Pernilla Nikamo
Medicin Solna, Dermatology
A functional pharmacogenetic study of Swedish psoriasis patients for predicting treatment response to biologics.
Samina Asad
Dept. Medicine, Unit of Dermatology and Venereology
Identifying rare filaggrin mutations in Atopic Dermatitis patients using long-read sequencing
Annarita Antelmi
IKVM, Dep of Occupational and Environmental Dermatology
Is contact allergy and oral inflammatory status a possible cause of impaired oral health and fibromyalgia?
Isabel Tapia Paez
Dermatology and veneorology, Dep.Medicine Solna
Characterization of novel susceptibility genes for Atopic Dermatitis and Psoriasis
Sirkku Peltonen
Sahlgrenska Academin, Dermatology and Venereology
Hereditary skin diseases in Sweden
Jakob Wikström
Dermato-venereology division, Karolinska Institutet, Dermato-venereology clinic, Karolinska University Hospital
Metabolism in psoriasis
Josefin Lysell
Medicine, Solna, Dermatology Karolinska University Hospital
The GPR183-oxyterol axis in psoriasis – effects on neutrophil migration and immune functions in the inflamed skin
Kari Nielsen
Clinical sciences, Lund, Dermatology
Acral melanoma in Sweden,1990-2020. Genetic profiling and epidemiological trends.
University of Gothenburg, Dermatology Department
Novel microscopic techniques for diagnosis of skin diseases Applicability of RCM, MPM and FLIM-MPM in demonstrating characteristic histological features of selected genodermatoses compared to inflammatory skin disorders
Magdalena Claeson
Institute of Clinical Sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy, Department of Dermatology and Venereology
Identifying a potential viral aetiology of keratoacanthoma, using deep DNA sequencing
Lennart Emtestam
Section of Dermatology & Infectious disease, Department of Medicine Huddinge,
Epidemiological studies of Hidradenitis suppurativa with special reference to prevalence, comorbidity, psychosocial factors and treatment
Zhuang Liu
Dept. of Medicine Solna, Division of Dermatology and Venereology
Profiling and integrating the multi-omics highlight dynamic molecular signatures in human skin wound healing
Hanna Brauner
Medicin, Solna, ME gastro HUD reuma, Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset
Cutaneous lymphoma – clinical and experimental studies for better health and survival
Ganna Petruk
Department of Clinical Sciences Division of Dermatology and Venereology,
Thrombin-derived C-terminal fragments and their interactions with Damage Associated Molecular Patterns
Andreas Sonesson
Division of Dermatology, Department of Clinical Sciences, Department of dermatology, Skane University Hospital
Bacterial biofilm, skin microbiota, and type 2-inflammation in atopic dermatitis.
Onur Parlak
Dermatology and Venereology,
Wearable bioelectronics to monitor bacterial skin infection (eWear)
Ritu Bansal
Dermato-Venereology division, Dep. of Medicine Solna,
Manoj Puthia
Division of Dermatology and Venereology, Department of Clinical Sciences,
A novel approach to treat infection and dysfunctional local and systemic inflammation in burn wounds
Åke Svensson
Clinical Research Center, Malmö, Dermatology, Malmö
A nationwide multidisciplinary e-health platform for atopic dermatitis patients – mixed model approach including different stakeholders.
Ester Bachar-Wikström
Dermato-venereology division, Dep. of Medicine Solna,
Correcting endoplasmic reticulum calcium dyshomeostasis as a novel treatment for Darier disease: bedside-to-bench study on a rare disease
Amra Osmancevic
Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Dept. of Dermatology
Vitamin D status, Staphylococcus aureus and immunological response in patients with psoriasis and atopic eczema treated with phototherapy and Etanercept with focus on Vitamin D Receptor (VDR) and Vitamin D Binding Protein (DBP)
Summa utbetalade för projektbidrag:
10 925 000 kr

Lista över beviljade anslag på resebidragsansökningar 2021

Huvudsökande: Resans ändamål:
Longlong Luo
Karolinska Hospital
2021 ESDR Annual Meeting
Enikö Sonkoly
KS Hud
Digitalt deltagande på Virtual 50th Anniversary ESDR (European Society for Dermatological Research) Annual Meeting
Letian Zhang
Karolinska Institutet
50th Annual ESDR Meeting virtual
Summa utbetalade för resebidrag:
6 000 kr